Nebraska and Oklahoma—Colorado's neighbors to the northeast and southeast, respectively—are not happy about the pot-smoking going on in the Centennial State. They're such buzzkills, in fact, that they're suing Colorado in the U.S. Supreme Court in an attempt to reverse legalization entirely.
In Colorado, where weed is legal, class was temporarily disrupted for a group of lucky teens today after a student's gravity bong "released smoke in a classroom," the Denver Post reports. The haze placed Adams City High School on a modified lockdown that was quickly lifted. Friday rules!
As much as everyone would love to see a bunch of stoned little kids running around dressed like baby Groot, or whatever, it's probably a good thing that Colorado police are trying to make sure trick-or-treaters don't accidentally eat any weed candy this year.
Imagine, if you will, a libertarian William Shatner whose musical tastes skew more Blunted on Realitythan Bringing It All Back Home,and you've got something like Mike Dunafon, an independent candidate for governor in Colorado.