Former N.M. Governor Gary Johnson Gets Into the Weed Business
Remember Gary Johnson? From 1995 to 2003, he served as the governor of New Mexico, but you may best recall him as the Pagan-courting Libertarian who ran for president in 2012. As of this week, he's also the CEO of a Nevada-based company called Cannabis Sativa, Inc.
Johnson, whose foray into Big Weed was announced yesterday, said the company plans to produce cannabis oils for epileptic children and "cough drop-like products for recreational use," according to the Associated Press. He also said Cannabis Sativa's products will be "very, very pleasant — I mean, very pleasant," which sounds very pleasant indeed.
The ex-governor has long been a proponent for weed. He ran on a legalization platform in 2012, claiming he would pardon every person incarcerated for pot possession if elected, and openly spoke about his own use during the campaign. At some point, he got all "Take Me to Your Dealer" with the grey aliens above.
Cannabis Sativa, Inc. recently acquired Kush, a pot company founded by California Libertarian Steve Kubby, and named Kubby as its chairman. We wish you guys the best of luck, but a word about your companies' names: Let's get creative! Anheuser-Busch didn't call itself "Malt, Hops, Yeast, and Water, LLC," did it? What if the Coors Brewing Company had just settled on "Beer"? You can do better.
[Image via AP]